

Bath 巴斯

  • International House Bath
  • Kaplan International English Bath

Bournemouth 伯恩茅斯

  • Anglo European School of English
  • BEET Language Centre
  • Bournemouth Business School International
  • Capital School of English
  • Kaplan International English Bournemouth(IELTS 考试中心)
  • Kings Colleges, Bournemouth
  • MLS International College
  • Richard Language College(IELTS 考试中心)
  • Scanbrit School of English
  • Southbourne School of English
  • Westbourne Academy School of English

Brighton & Hove 布莱顿& 荷福

  • British Study Centres Brighton
  • Centre of English Studies, CES
  • EC Brighton
  • Embassy CES Brighton & Hove
  • GEOS International School
  • UIC English Brighton
  • Language Studies International (LSI), Brighton
  • Olivet English Language School
  • Regency College
  • Regent Brighton
  • Sprachcaffe Languages Plus
  • St Giles College Brighton
  • Sussex Language Institute
  • The English Language Centre

Bristol 布里斯托

  • English Language Centre Bristol
  • IH Bristol(IELTS 考试中心)

Broadstairs 布罗德斯泰斯

  • Hilderstone College
  • Thanet College

Birminghan 伯明罕

  • language Gallery

Cambridge 剑桥

  • Cambridge Academy of English
  • Cambridge Centre for English Studies
  • Cambridge Language and Activity Courses
  • EC Cambridge
  • Embassy CES Cambridge
  • Kaplan International English Cambridge
  • Language Studies International (LSI), Cambridge
  • The New School of English
  • OISE Cambridge
  • Regent Cambridge
  • Select English, Cambridge
  • Studio Cambridge

Canterbury 坎特伯雷

  • Canterbury Language Training
  • Concorde International
  • Pilgrims English Language Courses
  • St Peter’s School of English
  • Stafford House School of English
  • National School of Languages

Colchester 科尔切斯特

  • Colchester English Study Centre (IELTS 考试中心)
  • Colchester Institute
  • International Language Holidays

Coventry 考文垂

  • Henley College Coventry
  • City College Coventry

Cheltenham 乔汀翰

  • inlingua Cheltenham
  • Cheltenham School of English

Chichester 奇切斯特

  • Chichester College

Dorking 多尔金

  • Hurtwood House

Dublin 都柏林

  • Centre of English Studies, CES
  • IH Dublin
  • Alpha college
  • Oscars international(Malvern House)
  • Galway Cultural Institute
  • Frances King School of English Dublin

Eastbourne 伊斯特堡

  • Eastbourne School of English
  • GEOS Eastbourne
  • St Giles College Eastbourne
  • Twin English Centre Eastbourne

Edinburgh 爱丁堡

  • Basil Paterson Edinburgh (IELTS 考试中心)
  • Edinburgh School of English
  • Edinburgh’s Telford College
  • Global School of English – Edinburgh
  • Hawthorn – Edinburgh (Edinburgh School of English)
  • Kaplan International English Edinburgh
  • Regent Edinburgh
  • Stevenson College Edinburgh

Exeter 艾希特

  • Exeter Academy
  • Globe English Centre
  • The International School, Exeter
  • The Isca School of English

Folkestone 福克斯顿

  • School of English Studies Folkestone

Glasgow 格拉斯哥

  • Glasgow School of English

Hailsham 海尔森

  • St Bede’s International Summer School

Harrogate 哈罗盖特

  • Harrogate Language Academy (IELTS 考试中心)

Hastings 哈斯丁

  • Embassy CES Hastings
  • Hastings College (School of English)
  • Hastings English Language Centre (HELC)

Kent 肯特

  • Churchill House School of English Language

Leamington Spa 利明顿斯巴

  • Shakespeare School of English Language

Leeds 里兹

  • Centre of English Studies, CES

London 伦敦

  • Active Learning
  • Burlington School
  • Camden College of English
  • Central School of English
  • Centre of English Studies, CES
  • EC Covent Garden
  • EC London
  • ELS Language Centres
  • Ealing Hammersmith and West London College
  • Edwards Language School
  • Embassy CES London
  • English Language Institute
  • English Language Training (ELT)
  • Eurocentres Lee Green (IELTS 考试中心)
  • Eurocentres London Central
  • Excel English
  • Frances King School of English
  • GEOS English Academy London
  • Harrow House International College London
  • Kaplan International English Coven Garden
  • Kaplan International English Leicester Square
  • The English Studio Language School
  • The Hampstead School of English
  • UIC English London Greenwich
  • International House London (IELTS 考试中心)
  • Internexus
  • Intuition Languages
  • Kings Colleges, London
  • Language Link
  • Language Studies International (LSI), London Central
  • Language Studies International (LSI), London Hampstead
  • London Meridian College
  • The London School of English
  • Malvern House London
  • Oxford House College, London
  • Regent London
  • Select English, London
  • Shane Global Village London Central
  • Shane Global Village (London Bromley)
  • Saint George International
  • St Giles College London Central
  • St Giles College London Highgate
  • Stanton School of English
  • Swandean School of English
  • TTI School of English
  • UCL Language Centre
  • UIC
  • University of the Arts London, The Language Centre
  • Victoria School of English
  • Westminster Kingsway College
  • Wimbledon School of English
  • Bell

Lydbury North 北莱柏利

  • Lydbury English Centre

Manchester 曼彻斯特

  • Manchester College of Arts & Technology (MANCAT)
  • Manchester Academy of English
  • Kaplan International English Manchester

Newcastle 新堡

  • International House Newcastle

Newbury 纽伯里

  • Newbury Hall

Melton Mowbray 梅尔顿莫布雷

  • Students International Ltd

Nottingham 诺丁汉

  • New College Nottingham
  • ILS Nottingham
  • Broxtowe College

Norwich 诺威治

  • Flying Classrooms
  • The English Experience
  • Norwich Institute for Language Education

Oxford 牛津

  • British Study Centres Oxford
  • Centre of English Studies, CES
  • Eckersley Oxford
  • Embassy CES Oxford
  • IH Oxford
  • UIC English Oxford
  • Kaplan International English Oxford
  • Kings Colleges Oxford (IELTS 考试中心)
  • Lake School of English Oxford
  • OISE Oxford
  • OISE Youth Language Schools
  • Oxford & Cherwell College
  • Oxford Brookes University
  • Oxford English Centre
  • Oxford House College, Oxford
  • Oxford House School of English
  • Regent Oxford
  • St Clare’s, Oxford
  • Swandean School of English

Paignton 佩根顿

  • Devon School of English

Plymouth 普利茅斯

  • Mayflower College of English (IELTS 考试中心)
  • Suzanne Sparrow Plymouth Language School

Portsmouth 普兹茅斯

  • Language Specialists International (LSI) (IELTS 考试中心)
  • Meridian School of English

Salisbury 索尔兹伯里

  • Twin English Centre Salisbury
  • Kaplan International English

Scarborough 斯卡堡

  • Anglolang Academy of English

Sheffield 雪菲尔

  • Sheffield Hallam University TESOL Centre (IELTS 考试中心)

Shrewsbury 舒兹伯利

  • Concord College
  • Severnvale Academy

Sidmouth 西德茅斯

  • Sidmouth International School

Southampton 南汉普敦

  • Greylands School of English
  • Lewis School of English

Stratford-upon-Avon 斯特拉特福

  • Oxford House College, Stratford-upon-Avon
  • Students International Ltd

Taunton 陶顿

  • Totnes School of English

Torbay 托贝

  • LAL Torbay

Torquay 托其

  • Torquay International School
  • International House Torquay
  • Kaplan International English Torquay

Whitby 惠特比

  • Functional English

Winchester 温彻斯特

  • Winchester School of English

Woking 沃金

  • Harven School of English

Worcester 伍思特

  • Kingsway English Centre

Worthing 沃森

  • Centre of English Studies, CES

York 约克

  • Melton College(IELTS 考试中心)
  • English Language Centre, York

Harrogate 哈罗盖特

  • Harrogate Language Academy, CES